Mo Vayeghan

Vayeghan Litigation is headed by Mo Vayeghan (Pronunciation vay-gen) who is an Ivy League educated lawyer and a former B.C. Crown Prosecutor.

Mr. Vayeghan is a nationally recognized lawyer, whose knowledge and experience have been heard through legal commentary provided to media outlets such as CBC News: The National, The Vancouver Sun, The National Post, and The Star.

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Yalda Kazemi-Shirazi

Yalda Kazemi-Shirazi (She/ Her) is an associate lawyer at Vayeghan Litigation. Her primary practice areas are refugee and immigration law. Ms. Kazemi is an experienced lawyer who has represented a wide range of clients from countries as diverse as Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Costa Rica, Iran, Iraq, Guatemala, and Mexico to just name a few. She is a skilled advocate with a track record of assisting her clients obtain safety in Canada.

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