
At Vayeghan Litigation, safeguarding client confidentiality is paramount. We recognize the potential distress caused by media exposure in criminal cases. Hence, we ensure that all case summaries provided here are anonymized to the highest degree possible, making it impossible to identify any specific client. Rest assured, we never publicly disclose the names of our clients and prioritize their privacy at all times.

Moreover, we uphold the principle of solicitor-client privilege extensively. This means that we refrain from discussing any details of your case with anyone without your explicit instructions, and only if it benefits your legal interests. Additionally, we consider it inappropriate to engage with the media regarding any case without prior consent from our clients, thereby effectively safeguarding their privacy. While we provide a select sample of case summaries on our website for informational purposes, our commitment to protecting your privacy remains unwavering.


R. v. A. M. (2024)

After extensive negotiations with the Crown, the client faced serious allegations of sexual assault by his ex-wife, affecting his professional status and international travel, particularly to the US. Unable to travel until the case was resolved, the Crown eventually directed a stay of proceedings, leading to dropped charges.

Stay of Proceedings. Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. G. W. (2024)

A youthful offender accused of engaging in serious criminal harassment over an extended period faced the prospect of a criminal record as sought by the Crown. Through persuasive advocacy, a conditional discharge was granted at sentencing, resulting in no criminal record.

Conditional Discharge Imposed. No Criminal Record.

R. v. C. J. (2024)

After extensive negotiations with the Crown spanning over a year, weaknesses in the case of a client charged with a serious sexual assault at a house party were identified. As a result, the Crown opted for a direct stay of proceedings.

Stay of Proceedings. Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. X. (2024)

The client, facing severe religious and political persecution in their home country for participating in protest movements and due to the dire state of women’s rights, was granted refugee protection due to strong advocacy and thorough work.

Refugee Claim Granted. Protection Obtained.

R. v. S. M. (2024)

After extensive negotiations spanning several months, the Crown ultimately decided to drop the case against our client, who was accused of engaging in domestic violence against a former intimate partner. This decision was particularly significant as the case carried the possibility of immigration consequences for our client.

Stay of Proceedings. Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. A. H. (2024)

After thorough negotiations, the charges against our client, accused of brandishing a weapon for a dangerous purpose during an altercation, were dropped. Serious doubts regarding the identification of the perpetrator were identified by our team. As a result, the Crown decided to direct a stay of proceedings.

Stay of Proceedings. Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. X. (2024)

Our client faced imminent danger to her life due to the activities of drug cartels in her home country and the alarming disregard for women’s rights. Recognizing the urgent need for protection, our advocacy efforts on her behalf resulted in the successful granting of refugee protection, ensuring her safety and security in Canada.

Refugee Claim Granted. Protection Obtained.

R. v. L. K. (2024)

Through our negotiations on his behalf, our client, originally facing serious charges of fleeing from police and driving while prohibited, saw significant changes. The initial charges carried the possibility of prison time and extensive driving bans. However, our efforts resulted in the dropping of all charges except for a minor motor vehicle infraction for driving without a license. This outcome ensured no criminal record or driving prohibition for the client.

No Criminal Record. No Driving Prohibition.

R. v. X. (2024)

Our client faced severe persecution in his homeland due to religious beliefs and the absence of religious freedom. Understanding the urgency of his situation, we tirelessly advocated on his behalf, presenting compelling arguments that highlighted the imminent danger he faced. As a result of our unwavering dedication and thorough representation, the asylum decision was expedited, providing our client with the protection and safety he desperately needed.

Refugee Claim Granted. Protection Obtained.

R. v. H. D. (2024)

Our client was embroiled in serious allegations of criminal harassment and uttering threats against a former domestic partner. The Crown pressed for a criminal record, posing significant consequences. However, with adept courtroom advocacy, we persuaded the judge to grant a conditional discharge, sparing our client from acquiring a criminal record.

Conditional Discharge Imposed. No Criminal Record

R. v. B. H. (2024)

Our client was accused of domestic assault against an ex-partner, a grave charge that could mar his criminal record and jeopardize his livelihood, including his job. Through extensive negotiations, we secured a stay of proceedings, averting potential repercussions on his record and preserving his ability to maintain employment.

Stay of Proceedings. Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. X. (2024)

Our client confronted a grave threat to his life due to his political activism in his home country, enduring death threats as a result of his courageous stance. With our firm’s assistance, he navigated the complexities of the asylum process, ultimately securing refugee protection, safeguarding his safety and freedom.

Refugee Claim Granted. Protection Obtained.

R. v. H. S. (2024)

Facing allegations of fraud and the use of a fake identity, our client’s case was in jeopardy. Through thorough negotiations, we uncovered weaknesses in the Crown’s case, prompting them to issue a stay of proceedings, securing our client’s freedom.

Stay of Proceedings. Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. P. S. (2024)

Our client found themselves entangled in a grave accusation involving a sexual indecent act, which posed not only the risk of a criminal record but also the threat of public humiliation. Recognizing the long-term repercussions, we engaged in thorough negotiations to mitigate the impact. As a result of our efforts, the prosecution agreed to a conditional discharge, sparing our client from enduring the stain of a criminal conviction.

Conditional Discharge Imposed. No Criminal Record.

R. v. R. S. (2024)

A client, initially represented by another firm, sought our assistance after being convicted of sexual assault. Client was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, we took over the case for the appeal process. With diligence and strategic legal maneuvers, we successfully secured our client’s release on bail pending appeal from the BC Court of Appeal. Our client is now out of custody, awaiting the appeal process with renewed hope for a second chance at justice.

Bail Pending Appeal Granted. Client Released from Jail.


R. v. A.M. (2023) Case

Client faced severe charges of sexual assault, assault by choking, and uttering threats, with the potential for a long-term jail sentence if convicted. The case proceeded to a weeks-long trial before a jury in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, involving high stakes for the client. After an intense three-day cross-examination of the complainant, the jury returned a unanimous verdict.

Not Guilty on all charges. Client fully acquitted after trial.

R. v. S.S. (2023)

In a complex case involving multiple allegations of serious sexual assault, the matter was set for a a jury trial in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Recognizing what was at stake, Mr. Vayeghan took a strategic, results-oriented approach. The Firm engaged in months-long negotiations with the Crown, successfully identifying weaknesses in their case. Ultimately, all sexual assault charges were dropped in favor of a Peace Bond, allowing our client to avoid a criminal record.

Peace Bond Imposed. No Criminal Record. Sexual Assault Charges Dropped.

X. v. Canada (2023)

Client fleeing political persecution for leading a mass protest campaign against the governing military dictatorship of her home country. Client sought political asylum in Canada

Client is successful in her asylum claim. Asylum Granted.

R. v. D.D. (2023)

Client was charged with attempted murder and faced the possibility of a life-altering jail sentence. After conducting a Voir Dire in the Supreme Court of British Columbia and intensive trial preparation, the Crown directed a Stay of Proceedings prior to the start of the trial. 

All charges dropped, Stay of Proceedings issued.

R. v. S.R. (2023):

Client was charged with a significant drug trafficking offense in British Columbia, with the potential for a lengthy jail sentence. Our legal team engaged in an extensive Charter challenge, questioning the validity of the police search and arrest procedures. Following comprehensive negotiations with the Crown, a Stay of Proceedings was directed on all charges.

All charges dropped, Stay of Proceedings issued.

R. v. V.J. (2023)

Client was accused of sexually assaulting a female friend and faced the risk of a long-term jail sentence and designation as a sex offender if convicted. The matter proceeded to trial in the Provincial Court of British Columbia. Extensive cross-examination of the complainant revealed significant inconsistencies in her evidence.

Client found Not Guilty after trial, avoiding any criminal record.

R. v. K.M. (2023)

Client, a well-respected professional in the community, was accused of assaulting a romantic partner. Early involvement with our law firm led to an immediate lifting of the bail order, allowing client and partner to resume contact. Prolonged negotiations with the Crown ultimately led to the charge being dropped.

Charge dismissed, resulting in no criminal record for the client.

X. v. Canada (2023)

Client fleeing political persecution for leading a protest campaign against the governing monarchy of his home country. Client arrested by agents of the government’s military police. Client sought political asylum in Canada.

Client is successful in his asylum claim. Asylum Granted.

R. v. P.A. (2023)

Client faced overwhelming evidence leading to a conviction for trafficking fentanyl, a grave offense with potential for an extended federal prison term. During the sentencing hearing, the defense vigorously argued for a Conditional Sentence Order (CSO), advocating house arrest instead of jail time. Despite the Crown’s insistence on a lengthy incarceration, the judge was persuaded by the defense’s compelling arguments.

Client received a Conditional Sentence Order, allowing house arrest with exceptions for work. No Jail.

X. v. Canada (2023)

Client fleeing religious persecution for converting to Christianity. Client sought by agents of the governing dictatorship’s secret police. Client sought religious asylum in Canada.

Client is successful in his asylum claim. Asylum Granted.

R. v. S.D. (2023)

Client faced a serious charge of bank robbery, carrying the potential for a lengthy jail sentence. Early engagement with our law firm allowed for months-long, in-depth negotiations with the Crown. Given the strong evidence against the client, we advised against going to trial. Through strategic advocacy, the client agreed to plead guilty to the lesser charge of uttering a threat. The robbery charge was subsequently dismissed. At the sentencing hearing, the judge concurred with our recommendations and imposed a conditional discharge.

Client receives a conditional discharge, resulting in no criminal record.

R. v. S.C. (2023)

Client faced serious charges of break and enter. After diligent negotiations highlighting the weaknesses in the Crown’s case, we secured a favorable plea agreement. At the sentencing hearing, the defense strongly advocated for a Conditional Discharge. The court accepted our recommendation.

Client received a Conditional Discharge, resulting in no criminal record.

R. v. P.P. (2023)

Client was charged with dangerous operation of a vehicle resulting in bodily harm, a serious offense in Canada that typically carries severe jail sentences. Through extensive negotiations with the Crown, we were able to secure a favorable plea deal that led to a Conditional Sentence Order (CSO), eliminating the risk of jail time.

CSO imposed, no jail time served.

R. v. W.H. (2023)

Client faced severe charges of assault and breach of a no-contact order in a domestic violence context. Through extensive negotiations with the Crown, we were able to secure the imposition of a peace bond, leading to the dismissal of all charges.

Charges dismissed, peace bond imposed.

R. v. D.C. (2023)

Client faced a charge of resisting and obstructing police. Early engagement with our law firm led to comprehensive negotiations with the Crown. We highlighted significant weaknesses in their case, particularly related to police misconduct during the investigation. As a result, the Crown agreed to dismiss the charge.

Charge dropped, leaving the client with no criminal record.

R. v. M.M. (2023)

Client was charged with uttering threats, mischief, and multiple violations of no-contact orders against a former domestic partner. Early involvement with our law firm allowed us to engage in extended negotiations with the Crown, during which we pointed out key weaknesses in their case against the client. Ultimately, the Crown agreed to dismiss all charges.

All charges dropped, resulting in no criminal record for the client.

R. v. G.J. (2023)

Client was facing serious charges of drug trafficking and drug importation while crossing the US-Canada border with narcotics in the vehicle. Early engagement with our law firm allowed us to conduct extensive negotiations with the Crown. We identified key weaknesses in the Crown’s case, particularly concerning the issue of possession. As a result, all charges were dismissed.

Stay of Proceedings on all counts, resulting in no criminal record for the client.

R. v. R.R. (2023)

Client, a professional employed at a major Canadian business, risked employment and reputational damage due to charges of assault and uttering threats against a former partner. Early retainment of our law firm enabled extensive negotiations with the Crown, leading to an offer of a conditional discharge.

Charges of uttering threats dropped, client granted a Conditional Discharge. No Criminal Record.

R. v. L.A. (2023)

Client faced a serious charge of driving while prohibited, with the potential risk of a jail sentence. Thanks to early retention of our law firm and extensive negotiations with the Crown, the charge was reduced to driving without a license, which carries no jail risk.

Charge of Driving while Prohibited dismissed; client received a minor fine and maintained a clean criminal record.

R. v. M.T. (2023) Case:

Client, a professional with international business commitments, faced domestic violence assault charges, risking travel bans to the U.S. and UK. Early involvement of our law firm led to immediate lifting of bail conditions and the return of the client’s passport for business travel. Following extensive negotiations with the Crown, a Stay of Proceedings was directed.

Assault charge dropped, no criminal record, and no impact on client’s international travel rights.

R. v. K.A. (2023) Case:

Client faced charges of assault and theft. Thanks to early engagement with our law firm and subsequent negotiations with the Crown, a conditional discharge was offered.

Client received a conditional discharge, resulting in no criminal record.

R. v. W.X. (2023)

Client, a university student in Canada on a study permit, faced domestic assault charges with potential deportation risks. Early engagement of our law firm enabled focused negotiations with the Crown, leading to a Peace Bond.

Assault charge dropped, no criminal record, and no immigration consequences.

R. v. K.D. (2023)

Client faced sexual assault allegations from an ex-partner. Scheduled for trial, we filed pre-trial motions, shifting to an offensive strategy. The Crown then proposed a Peace Bond, leading to a stay of the sexual assault charge.

Peace Bond issued, no criminal record. Sexual Assault Charge Dropped.

R. v. W.T. (2023)

Client was accused of assault in the context of a domestic relationship, a serious allegation. The client engaged Vayeghan Litigation at an early stage, enabling us to negotiate extensively and promptly with the Crown. Due to these efforts, the Prosecution decided not to proceed with laying a charge.

The case was dismissed, resulting in “No Charge” and no criminal record for the client.

R. v. M.F. (2023)

Client facing a serious allegation of assault causing bodily harm in a domestic relationship context. Client retained the services of Vayeghan Litigation early.  As a result of extensive immediate negotiations with the Crown, the Prosecution agreed to not lay a charge.

Case Dismissed. “No Charge”. No Criminal Record.

R. v. O.S. (2023)

Our client faced an assault allegation within a domestic relationship context. They promptly retained our services before the initial court appearance. We swiftly lifted the no-contact order and, following extensive negotiations with the Crown, the Prosecution decided not to lay a charge.

Case Dismissed. “No Charge”. No Criminal Record.

R. v. A. A. (2023)

Client facing a serious allegation of assault in a domestic relationship context. Client retained the services of Vayeghan Litigation early in the criminal proceedings, prior to the first court appearance. As a result of extensive immediate negotiations with the Crown, the Prosecution agreed to not lay a charge. Swift, skillful intervention protecting the client’s future.

Case Dismissed. “No Charge”. No Criminal Record.

R. v. G.C. (2023)

Client facing a serious allegation of sexual assault. Through extensive negotiations with the Crown, weaknesses in the prosecution’s case exposed, resulting in a Stay of Proceedings prior to the commencement of trial.

Stay of Proceedings. No Criminal Record.


R. v. J.L. (2022)

Client facing a serious allegation of aggravated assault. Client at risk of a long-term jail sentence if convicted. Matter proceeded to trial before a judge and jury at the Supreme Court of British Columbia. During a lengthy trial, the jury heard arguments on self-defence.

Acquittal: Jury Finds Client Not Guilty of Aggravated Assault. No Criminal Record.

R. v. J.M. (2022)

Client faced charges of assault and uttering threats, with potential immigration consequences if convicted. Through strategic negotiations with the Crown, we secured a Stay of Proceedings.

Charges dismissed, no criminal record, and no adverse immigration consequences.

R. v. K.C. (2022) 

Summary: Client, a young professional with a promising career, was under investigation for a serious domestic violence allegation. Through extensive negotiations with the Crown, we successfully secured a decision to not lay charges.

Case concluded with no charges filed. No Criminal Record.

R. v. K.K. (2022)

Client, a high school student, was under intense investigation for alleged sexual assault occurring at a party. After a year-long representation during the investigative stage, we successfully resolved the matter without any charges being laid.

Investigation closed, no charges filed.

R. v. B. L. (2022)

Client facing a serious allegation of sexual assault. Matter proceeded to trial before a judge and jury at the BC Supreme Court.

Acquittal: Jury Finds Client Not Guilty of Sexual Assault.

R. v. W. J. (2022)

Client facing serious allegations of assault on police officers after an altercation at the Vancouver’s entertainment district. Through negotiations with the Crown Counsel, weaknesses in the Crown’s case exposed, highlighting the use of excessive force by the police.

Crown Directs Stay of Proceedings. Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. B. A. (2022)

Client facing serious allegation of assault and uttering threats. Client at risk of negative employment consequences in the event of a criminal record. Through extensive negotiations with the Crown a favourable plea deal was obtained that resulted in client avoiding a criminal record.

Conditional Discharge Imposed. No Criminal Record.

R. v. S. A. (2022)

Client retains Mr. Vayeghan for appeal after being convicted of possession for purpose of trafficking with a different counsel and sentenced to jail. Mr. Vayeghan sough bail pending appeal. Application for bail granted by the BC Court of Appeal.

Bail Pending Appeal Granted. Client Released from Jail on Bail.

R. v. I. A. (2022)

Client facing serious allegation of assault on police officer and uttering threats. Through extensive negotiations with the Crown, charges dropped.

No Criminal Record.


R. v. T. H. (2021)

Client charged with a serious allegation of domestic assault by choking. Client at risk of employment consequences if the matter resulted in a criminal record. Through extensive early negotiations with the Crown Counsel, the charge of assault by choking was dropped.

No Criminal Record.

R. v. H. O. (2021)

Client charged with a serious case of sexual assault. Through extensive negotiations with Crown Counsel, weaknesses in the Crown case was exposed, resulting in the stay of proceedings of the sex assault allegation.

Sex Assault Charge Dropped. No Criminal Record.

B.C. Securities Commission v. J. V. (2021)

Case: Client accused of participating in a multi-million dollar fraud scheme involving international market manipulation. Through extensive negotiations with the Director of the BC Securities Commission, client walked away with a minimal fine and no criminal law consequences.

No Criminal Record.

R. v. Z. H. (2021)

Client facing serious charges of trafficking of fentanyl and cocaine. Client at risk of a lengthy jail sentence in the region 2 to 3 years incarceration in the face of overwhelming police evidence. Through early pre-trial negotiations with Crown Counsel, jail was avoided.

No Jail.

R. v. S. K. (2021)

Client facing serious charges of assault and assault with a weapon. Through early pre-trial negotiations with Crown Counsel, charges were dropped. Client enters into a peace bond with no criminal record.

No Criminal Record. No Jail. Charges Dropped.

R. v. N. A. (2021)

Client facing serious charges of domestic assault and uttering a threat. Through early pre-trial negotiations with Crown Counsel, charges were dropped. Crown directs a stay of proceedings.

No Criminal Record. No Jail. Charges Dropped.

R. v. A. M. (2021)

Client facing serious charges of domestic violence. Through early pre-trial negotiations with Crown Counsel, charges were dropped. Client entered into a peace bond, resulting in no criminal record with no immigration consequences.

No Criminal Record. No Jail. Charges Dropped.

B.C. Securities Commission v. J. V. (2021)

Client accused of participating in a multi-million dollar fraud scheme involving international market manipulation. Through extensive negotiations with the Director of the BC Securities Commission, the client walked away with a minimal fine and no criminal law consequences.

Outcome: No Criminal Record.

R. v. L. N. (2021) Case:

Client facing serious charges of unlawful confinement and sexual assault. Through negotiations with Crown, the charges of unlawful confinement and sexual assault were dropped.

Charges Dropped. No Jail.

R. v. B.D. (2020)

Detained client facing serious charges of home invasion. Mr. Vayeghan sought client’s release from custody pending trial at the Supreme Court of British Columbia. After a contested detention review hearing, the Court granted client’s release on bail.

Bail Granted by the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Client Released From Jail.


R. v. E.O. (2020)

Client charged with a serious allegation of criminal misconduct involving the uttering of threats while attending college. Client was at risk of a criminal record and a potential jail sentence. Client willing to accept responsibility. The matter proceeded to sentencing hearing where Mr. Vayeghan provided detailed arguments addressing the client’s lack of moral culpability. The Court accepted these arguments.

No Jail. Client granted a Conditional Discharge. No Criminal Record.

R. v. J.H. (2020)

Client charged with a serious case of sexual assault. Through meticulous review of court records, Mr. Vayeghan challenged the constitutionality of the criminal proceedings on the grounds of unreasonable delay. Through pre-trial negotiations, the Crown directed a Stay of Proceedings of all charges facing the client. The Crown accepted Mr. Vayeghan’s arguments that the case suffered from inexcusable and undue delay. The Crown was persuaded that continued prosecution of the case would be in violation of client’s guaranteed rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. S.J. (2020)

Client charged with three counts of trafficking of cocaine and heroin. Client was at risk of a long-term jail sentence in circumstances where the client was faced with an overwhelming Crown case. Through extensive negotiations with the Crown Counsel, a favourable plea deal was struck. Client received a 9 month probation with the most minimal sets of conditions possible.

No Jail.

R. v. J. P. (2020)

Client charged with a serious case of residential break and enter. Client was at risk of a long-term jail sentence. At trial, the evidence of the police was aggressively challenged. In particular, the defence alleged that the arresting officers utilized excessive force in the arrest of the client.

Client is found Not Guilty. Acquittal.

X. v. Canada (2020)

Client fleeing war and religious persecution at the hands of terrorist organizations. Client sought asylum in Canada due to the fact that his life is under an active threat.

Client is successful in his refugee claim. Asylum Granted.

R. v. A. A. (2020)

Client charged with a serious case of kidnapping that placed the client at a high risk of detention prior to trial. Critical to the client, was the need to be granted release from jail prior to trial. After through and detailed negotiations with the Crown, client’s release was secured on bail.

Bail Granted. Released from Jail.

R. v. S. K. (2020)

Client charged with serious allegations of assault causing bodily harm and uttering of threats that arose from a dispute with a domestic partner. After thorough negotiations with the prosecutors these charges were dropped by the Crown, resulting in the avoidance of a long-term custodial sentence.

Charges Dropped.

Results: X. v. Canada (2020)

Client, a national of Mexico, seeking refugee protection in Canada on the grounds that he faces persecution in his home country because of his membership in the LGBTQ community.

Client is successful in his asylum claim. LGBT Asylum Granted.

Results: R. v. B.D. (2020)

Client facing serious criminal allegations. At client’s detention review hearing before the Supreme Court of British Columbia, the Crown presented a strong and overwhelming case. After thorough submissions by Mr. Vayeghan regarding his client’s personal background, the weaknesses in the Crown’s case, and the client’s path for rehabilitation, the Supreme Court of B.C. granted release.

Bail Granted. Released from Jail.


Results: X. v. Canada (2019)

Vayeghan Litigation is proud to have successfully litigated the asylum claim of a prominent political prisoner. Client was subject to active prosecution in his home country on trumped-up charges. He had been imprisoned under solitary confinement and was routinely tortured by the secret police in his home state.

Outcome: Political asylum granted.

Results: R. v. A.K. (2019)

Client charged with a serious allegation of Fraud. Matter proceeded to trial. Inconsistencies and weaknesses in Crown evidence exposed through effective cross-examination.

Client found not guilty of all charges. No criminal record. Acquittal.

Results: R. v. S.J. (2019)

Client charged with trafficking of drugs. Client faced lengthy jail sentence if convicted. A series of violations of the client’s rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms identified, resulting in a Crown directed Stay of Proceedings on all charges before the start of the trial.

Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

Results: R. v. D.N. (2019)

Client charged with possession of prohibited items for the furtherance of a serious crime. Defence application that the accused’s rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms were infringed, resulting in a Crown directed Stay of Proceedings on all charges before the start of the trial.

Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

Results: R. v. N.Y. (2019)

Client charged with international drug trafficking of large quantities of narcotics. Extensive written arguments provided to the Crown highlighting the weaknesses in the police investigation, resulting in a Crown directed Stay of Proceedings on all charges before the start of the trial.

Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. C.W. (2019)

Client charged with a variety of B.C. Securities Act violations. Crown seeking a restitution order of more than $300,000. Through early negotiations, weakness in Crown evidence identified. Crown drops the restitution order.

Client avoids a three-hundred thousand dollar financial penalty.

R. v. B.Z. (2019)

Appeal of client’s wrongful conviction at trial. Arguments heard before the British Columbia Supreme Court on the question of whether the trial judge committed a reversible error be engaging in prejudicial legal reasoning.

Appeal Granted. Conviction Overturned. Retrial Ordered.

R. v. G.H. (2019)

Client charged with trafficking of narcotics. At trial, the defence sought a judicial stay of proceedings for violation of client’s constitutional right to a speedy trial under section 11(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Extensive arguments heard on inordinate delay. Judicial finding that an approximate 22 month delay was caused by Crown actions, resulting in a breach of client’s right to be tried within a reasonable time. Section 11(b) Charter violation established.

Judicial stay of proceedings granted. Charges Dropped.

X. v. Canada (2019)

Client, a Christian convert, sought asylum in Canada for reasons of state persecution and lack of religious freedom.

Client is successful in his asylum claim. Religious Asylum Granted.

R. v. M.M. (2019)

Client charged with assault and unlawful confinement. Client at risk of lengthy jail sentence if convicted of unlawful confinement. Through early negotiations, the Crown directed a stay of proceedings on the unlawful confinement charge.

Client obtained Conditional Discharge. No Criminal Record.

X. v. Canada (2019)

Palestinian client seeking protection in Canada. Client at risk of persecution or assassination for anti-Hamas political acts.

Client is successful in his asylum claim. Political Asylum Granted.

R. v. M.B. (2019)

Client charged with trafficking of drugs in an alleged dial-a-dope operation. Client faced lengthy jail sentence if convicted. Weakness in police evidence identified, resulting in a Crown directed Stay of Proceedings on all charges before the start of the trial.

Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. R.A. (2019)

Client charged with two counts of assault. Client at risk of jail sentence if convicted. Through early negotiations with the Crown, weakness in Crown evidence identified resulting in a Crown directed Stay of Proceedings on all charges.

Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

X. v. Canada (2019)

Client seeking protection in Canada for reasons of religious persecution. Client denied freedom of religion and at risk of execution at the hands of agents of country X.

Client is successful in his asylum claim. Religious Asylum Granted.

R. v. T.C. (2019)

Client charged with Criminal Harassment. Through early negotiations with the Crown, weakness in police evidence identified, resulting in the imposition of a peace-bond.

No Criminal Record.

X. v. Canada (2019)

Client at risk of assassination because of his ethnicity and religious beliefs.

Client is successful in his asylum claim without a hearing. Asylum Granted.

R. v. M.C. (2019)

Client charged with break and enter into a dwelling house. At trial, weakness in Crown evidence exposed through effective cross-examination and legal submissions.

Crown directs a Stay of Proceedings mid-trial. Charge Dropped.

W.Y. v. Canada (2019)

Client facing deportation to Eritrea for serious criminality. Arguments heard before the Immigration Appeal Division.

Deportation order set aside. Permanent Residency restored. Appeal Granted.

R. v. C.A. (2019)

Client charged with a serious Break and Enter into a place of business. At sentencing, Crown sought lengthy jail sentence. Through detailed submissions and reference to case law, client was placed on probation.

No Jail.

X. v. Canada (2019)

Client and her children seeking protection in Canada for reasons of religious persecution. Client denied freedom of religion and at risk of execution at the hands of agents of country X.

Client is successful in her asylum claim through fast-track processing. Religious Asylum Granted.

X. v. Canada (2019)

Client and her children seeking protection in Canada for reasons of religious persecution. Client denied freedom of religion and at risk of execution at the hands of agents of country X.

Client is successful in her asylum claim through fast-track processing. Religious Asylum Granted.

2018 + Prior

Results: R. v. A.C. (2018)

Client under investigation by the Major Crime Section of the RCMP. Weakness in police evidence identified.

No criminal charges laid. Matter resolved. No Criminal Record.

R. v. J.T. (2018)

Client charged with serious Assault and Assault with a Weapon. Through early discussions with the Crown Prosecutor, weakness in the Crown’s case identified. Crown persuaded to direct a Stay of Proceedings.

Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. V.S. (2018)

Client charged with a serious Assault. Through early discussions with the Crown Prosecutor, weakness in the Crown’s case identified. Crown persuaded to direct a Stay of Proceedings.

Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. T.J. (2018)

Client charged with trafficking of drugs. Client faced lengthy jail sentence if convicted. Matter proceeded to trial. Weakness in Police evidence exposed.

Client found Not Guilty.

R. v. W.A. (2018)

Client charged with Break and Entering. Client accepted responsibility. Through early negotiation with the Crown, client obtained Conditional Discharge.

No Criminal Record.

R. v. S.J. (2018)

Client charged with two counts of Assault originating from two separate incidents. Client facing jail. Through early negotiations, Crown persuaded to not seek jail. Client accepted responsibility.

Client obtained a Conditional Discharge. No jail. No Criminal Record.

R. v. L.J. (2018)

Client charged with Uttering Threats and a serious Assault. Weakness in Crown’s case identified. Crown directed a Stay of Proceedings.

Charges dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. B.T. (2018)

Client charged with possession of narcotics. At sentencing, Crown sought lengthy jail sentence. Through detailed submissions and reference to case law, client was placed on probation.

No jail.

R. v. R.M. (2018)

Client charged with Assault with a Weapon by using a knife. Client facing jail. Through early negotiations, weakness in Crown’s case identified.

Client obtained a Conditional Discharge. No Criminal Record.

R. v. M.D. (2018)

Client charged with a serious Assault. Through detailed early submissions on the personal background of client and the circumstances of the offence, Crown Prosecutor was convinced to not seek jail.

Client placed on probation. No Jail.

R. v. B.B. (2018)

Client charged by Indictment for Uttering Threats. Weakness in Crown’s case identified. Stay of Proceedings.

Charge dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. S.W. (2018)

Client charged with Assault. Through early negotiation with the Crown, client diverted to Alternative Measures. Stay of Proceedings.

Charge dropped. No Criminal Record.

R. v. C.F. (2018)

Client charged with Uttering Threats and Assault with a Weapon. Client facing jail sentence. Through early negotiations, Crown consented to imposition of a restraining order, instead of seeking incarceration.

Client avoids jail. No Criminal Record.

R. v. K.G. (2018)

Client charged with Uttering Threats and Assault. Through early negotiation with the Crown, client obtained a Conditional Discharge.

No Criminal Record.


Please be advised that we have refrained from providing details about Mr. Vayeghan’s previous role as a Crown Prosecutor in this summary. This decision is guided by strict protocols governing the handling of government prosecution cases, which we adhere to diligently.

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