Immigration LAW

Immigration Lawyers At Your Service

At our distinguished law firm, we have extensive experience working on a comprehensive range of immigration matters, offering tailored solutions to individuals seeking to navigate the intricate landscape of Canadian immigration. Our dedicated team is well-versed in various aspects of immigration and refugee law, ensuring that you receive the skilled guidance you need.

Our Immigration Law Practice Areas

  1. Permanent Residency Applications: Our experienced attorneys provide strategic advice and professional guidance throughout the permanent residency application process whether you’re applying through:
    • Economic streams
    • Family sponsorships
    • Humanitarian & Compassionate Applications,
    • International Adoptions, or other pathways.
  2. Temporary Resident Applications: Secure the necessary permits with the assistance of our skilled team, ensuring compliance with Canadian immigration regulations and facilitating a smooth transition into Canada:
    • Temporary Resident Visas
    • Study Permits
    • Work Permits
    • Visitor Visas
    • Extension and Restoration Applications
  3. Citizenship: Our immigration lawyers facilitate the process of obtaining citizenship in Canada.
  4. Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds Applications: We assist with humanitarian and compassionate grounds applications, helping you present a compelling case to Canadian authorities when unique circumstances necessitate special considerations.
  5. Refugee Law: Our team understands the importance of providing a safe haven for those fleeing persecution. We are well-versed in refugee law, offering compassionate and experienced guidance for individuals seeking asylum in Canada.
  6. Admissibility Hearings: Should the Government of Canada deem you inadmissible, thereby either preventing your entry into Canada or pursuing your deportation, our team is equipped to provide guidance on the following matters:
    • Admissibility Hearings & Appeals
    • Criminal Admissibility
    • Misrepresentations
  7. Deportation: We assist individuals facing removal from Canada. Our services encompass the following issues facing individuals who are subject to deportation:
    • Removal Orders
    • Removal Order Appeals
    • Federal Court Stay of Removal Orders
  8. Extraditions: We assist individuals facing extradition. Extradition occurs when the Government of Canada transfers custody of an accused person to a foreign state for criminal prosecution. Canada has extradition agreements with a number of nations, including the United States. The consequences of an extradition order can be severe.

Why Choose Us?

  • Tailored Solutions: We provide personalized solutions that address your unique needs and goals, recognizing that each individual’s situation is distinct. 
  • Comprehensive Understanding: Covering a wide spectrum of immigration and refugee matters, our team is equipped to cater to your diverse requirements.
  • Guidance at Every Step: Navigating the complexities of immigration and refugee processes can be overwhelming. Our dedicated team is committed to guiding you at every step, ensuring a seamless and successful journey.
  • Advocacy for Success: Whether you’re pursuing permanent residency, work permits, student permits, humanitarian and compassionate grounds applications, or seeking asylum through refugee law, we tirelessly advocate for your best interests.

Achieve Your Canadian Dream: Call Now

Ready to navigate the intricacies of immigration law with a trusted lawyer by your side? Call us at 778-653-3995 to schedule your initial consultation. At Vayeghan Litigation, we are dedicated to crafting tailored solutions that align with your individual objectives and provide comprehensive support at every step of your legal journey. Let us advocate for your success and ensure your path to living, working, or studying in Canada is pursued with the utmost dedication. Call today and take the first step towards achieving your Canadian dream.


  • R. v. A.M. (2023) Case

    Client faced severe charges of sexual assault, assault by choking, and uttering threats, with the potential for a long-term jail sentence if convicted. The case proceeded to a weeks-long trial before a jury in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, involving high stakes for the client. After an intense three-day cross-examination of the complainant, the jury returned a unanimous verdict: Not Guilty on all charges.

    Client fully acquitted after trial

  • R. v. S.S. (2023)

    In a complex case involving multiple allegations of serious sexual assault, the matter was set for a a jury trial in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Recognizing what was at stake, Mr. Vayeghan took a strategic, results-oriented approach. The Firm engaged in months-long negotiations with the Crown, successfully identifying weaknesses in their case. Ultimately, all sexual assault charges were dropped in favor of a Peace Bond, allowing our client to avoid a criminal record.

    Peace Bond Imposed. No Criminal Record. Sexual Assault Charges Dropped.

  • R. v. S.R. (2023)

    Client was charged with a significant drug trafficking offense in British Columbia, with the potential for a lengthy jail sentence. Our legal team engaged in an extensive Charter challenge, questioning the validity of the police search and arrest procedures. Following comprehensive negotiations with the Crown, a Stay of Proceedings was directed on all charges.

    All charges dropped, Stay of Proceedings issued.

  • X. v. Canada (2023)

    Client fleeing political persecution for leading a mass protest campaign against the governing military dictatorship of her home country. Client sought political asylum in Canada

    Client is successful in her asylum claim. Asylum Granted.

  • R. v. J.L. (2022)

    Client facing a serious allegation of aggravated assault. Client at risk of a long-term jail sentence if convicted. Matter proceeded to trial before a judge and jury at the Supreme Court of British Columbia. During a lengthy trial, the jury heard arguments on self-defence.

    Acquittal: Jury Finds Client Not Guilty of Aggravated Assault. No Criminal Record.

  • B.C. Securities Commission v. J. V. (2021)

    Client accused of participating in a multi-million dollar fraud scheme involving international market manipulation. Through extensive negotiations with the Director of the BC Securities Commission, client walked away with a minimal fine and no criminal law

    No Criminal Record.


  • A huge thank you to Mo Vayeghan who worked as my lawyer on multiple cases. Mo Vayeghan goes above and beyond for his clients, working overtime to provide the best possible outcomes. Mo is incredibly knowledgeable about the legal justice system and provides the upmost professional advice and support, paying close attention to every detail of the case. I would like to personally thank Mo for his hard work and dedication, as he successfully got all of my charges dropped before a trial started. I wish you the best and thank you for your time! I would highly suggest Mo Vayeghan to anybody looking for a great defence lawyer.


  • Yalda Kazemi is one of the best and most reliable in Canada. I am very happy that I can speak my mind here. Mrs. Kazemi is so patient, persistent, compassionate and honest that she was like a support for me and she defended me and gave me a new life. You are unique, Ms. Kazemi, in the true sense of a human being in every sense


  • I wanted to say a few things about MO ???? screaming his name & shouting to all he is hands down the most professional & efficient lawyer. I would without a doubt recommend Mo Vayeghan . I appreciate him and the work he has done not only is he caring he also gets the job done. He took the time to listen He brought hope to our family & I will always be grateful THANKS Melissa & Hasler


  • Unfortunately I was in need of legal assistance in a serious Criminal offence which could put my entire life in jeopardy. I was referred to multiple lawyers till I met Moe, he’s knowledgeable and knows the procedures, patience is key as any sort of legal matter will take time to be taken care of in the most easiest and cleanest way, and Moe is the right man for this job. Thanks Moe I owe you big time!


  • I would like to thank Mrs. Yalda Kazem Shirazi. These words are not enough to describe my happiness and gratitude with Yalda. She is a very smart and calm lawyer, firm, expert, reliable, knowledgeable. One of the best lawyers I have seen. She handled my case with ease and the process went very smoothly. I really appreciate her and am glad to have worked with her on my case. I highly recommend Ms. Yalda Kazem Shirazi as your lawyer.

    N. D.

  • I wanted to thank Mr. Vayeghan, he is one of the best and most professional in their work, I have worked with many lawyers, but I can boldly say that by far they are one of the most responsible lawyers I have ever seen, kind, responsible, with Ethics, accessibility, professionalism, hard work and right workI am very happy with my choice and I offer everyone the experience of working with them. In fact, accompanying them on the way to work is like having an encouraging close family.


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