
Assault Lawyer in Vancouver BC

If facing assault accusations or potential charges, consult an experienced assault defence lawyer. Vayeghan Litigation excels in defending assault and uttering threats charges in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. Led by a former Crown prosecutor, our practice offers unique insight into the legal system, ensuring effective defence services with a high success rate. Mr. Vayeghan has a first-hand understanding of how the Crown may proceed in terms of bail, charges, and proceedings. 

Each case is approached individually for personalized attention and meticulous defence. making us a beacon of hope for all assault charges. With a track record of success that speaks volumes, our practice stands as a beacon of hope for those facing all types of assault charges.

Assault Charges:A Guide

There are many categories of assault. Sections 265-268 in the Criminal Code of Canada cover assault, assault with a weapon, assault causing bodily harm, and aggravated assault. While the simplest assault charges may proceed by summary conviction with a maximum jail sentence of 6 months, more serious assaults can carry a maximum jail sentence of 14 years.

A conviction can lead to a criminal record. This can impact your opportunities for international travel, employment, and social reputation.

According to the Criminal Code of Canada, an assault is committed when: 

  1. without the consent of another person, he or she applies force intentionally to that other person, directly or indirectly; or
  2. he or she attempts or threatens, by an act or a gesture, to apply force to another person;

Note that not only can actual violence be considered an assault, but even threatening to do so is an assault. Additionally, assault charges require that: 

  1. there was intent by the attacker to apply force, and 
  2. the victim did not consent to the application of force.

Assault with a weapon occurs when an assault is committed (in one of the ways listed above) and in the process, uses or threatens to use a weapon or an imitation thereof. An assault that causes bodily harm to the complainant is called assault causing bodily harm.

An aggravated assault is a serious assault charge that can only proceed by way of indictment. This level of assault is when the complainant is wounded, maimed, disfigured or their life endangered as a result of the assault.

If you would like to discuss your specific case, call us at 778-653-3995. We are available to speak with you 24/7.

Uttering Threats and Unlawful Confinement

Moving beyond the various types of assault charges, the law also captures significant matters involving uttering threats and unlawful or forcible confinement. These offenses delve into territories where the intentions and actions of the accused come under careful scrutiny, and often form the central basis for a legal defence strategy. 

Charges of unlawful or forcible confinement pertain to an individual who, lacking legal permission, restrains, incarcerates, or forcefully takes hold of another person.

A criminal charge of making threats entails making a statement, whether spoken or in another form, with the intention to cause harm or danger to a person’s life or body, to cause destruction or harm to property, or to harm animals or birds that belong to someone else.

When facing assault charges, uttering threats, or unlawful confinement allegations, having the support of an experienced former crown prosecutor is crucial. These cases involve complex scrutiny of intentions and actions, forming the core of a strong defense strategy.

Bail Hearings

If you are charged with an assault, depending on whether you are a first-time offender or have a history of charges, you may be released from custody until the trial. The terms of this release is called an undertaking or recognizance. 

Some cases may require a bail hearing. A bail will let you remain out of jail while you wait for your trial. If you haven’t done so already, we advise you to retain a criminal defence lawyer for this bail hearing. Being denied bail means you will remain in jail while waiting for your trial.

Restoring Connections: Lifting No-Contact Conditions

In instances where allegations of domestic assault involving a partner or family member arise, the legal system may impose a no-contact order, effectively interrupting communication and contact. These orders carry significant weight, potentially leading to the separation of loved ones, influencing living arrangements, financial decisions, and even impacting parenting responsibilities, especially when children are involved.

Recognizing the crucial significance of re-establishing these connections, our dedicated team, led by former crown prosecutor Mr. Vayeghan, is well-versed in navigating the complexities of lifting no-contact conditions.

Mr. Vayeghan’s unique background empowers him to advocate for the removal of no-contact conditions efficiently. Through skillful negotiation, he aims to expedite the process, allowing you to regain essential connections as swiftly as possible.


There are several legitimate defences against assault charges. This may include self-defence or defence of person, consent from the complainant, a reflex action, crime prevention, and defence of property.

Vayeghan Litigation has a track-record of obtaining positive results for its clients. Here are some of our recent successes. Start your legal defence by giving us a call at 778-653-3995.

Penalties for Assault Charges

The penalties for being convicted of assault vary depending on the severity of the assault charge, as well as other factors such as whether the Crown Prosecutor tries the case by way of indictment or goes for a summary conviction.

For an assault, the penalty for a conviction by indictment is imprisonment for up to five years. For an assault with a weapon, or assault causing bodily harm, the penalty is a maximum of ten years’ imprisonment. These three types of assault also have the possibility of proceeding by summary conviction, in which case the maximum sentence is 6 months’ imprisonment and a $5,000 fine.

However, for aggravated assault, the Crown’s only option will be to proceed by indictment. In this case, the maximum penalty is 14 years’ imprisonment.

Depending on your immigration status in Canada, a conviction for a serious assault may pose deportation consequences to non-citizens. Vayeghan Litigation benefits from experience in the complex area of criminal deportation proceedings, and we will fully advise clients of such risks.

The penalty for any assault will, of course, vary on the specific circumstances of the case. These factors can include the nature of the relationship between the offender and complainant, and other mitigating factors at the time of the incident.

Record of Success

Vayeghan Litigation has successfully defended clients across Greater Vancouver with different levels of assault charges, including uttering threats and unlawful confinement. In many cases, we have negotiated with the assigned Crown Prosecutor to have a “Charges Dropped. No Criminal Record” result. 

Our lead lawyer, Mr. Mo Vayeghan, is a former Crown Prosecutor and is familiar with the manner in which the Crown will likely approach your case. To work towards the best result for you, we will assist you at all criminal justice proceedings, right from the time charges are laid to bail hearings, and should it be in your best interests, court hearings.

Free Consultation

A Vancouver assault lawyer can help you get the best chance of avoiding a conviction in Vancouver courts. To receive effective advice on how you should proceed and address your assault charges, call us at 778-653-3995 to set up an appointment today.


  • R. v. A.M. (2023) Case

    Client faced severe charges of sexual assault, assault by choking, and uttering threats, with the potential for a long-term jail sentence if convicted. The case proceeded to a weeks-long trial before a jury in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, involving high stakes for the client. After an intense three-day cross-examination of the complainant, the jury returned a unanimous verdict: Not Guilty on all charges.

    Client fully acquitted after trial

  • R. v. S.S. (2023)

    In a complex case involving multiple allegations of serious sexual assault, the matter was set for a a jury trial in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Recognizing what was at stake, Mr. Vayeghan took a strategic, results-oriented approach. The Firm engaged in months-long negotiations with the Crown, successfully identifying weaknesses in their case. Ultimately, all sexual assault charges were dropped in favor of a Peace Bond, allowing our client to avoid a criminal record.

    Peace Bond Imposed. No Criminal Record. Sexual Assault Charges Dropped.

  • R. v. S.R. (2023)

    Client was charged with a significant drug trafficking offense in British Columbia, with the potential for a lengthy jail sentence. Our legal team engaged in an extensive Charter challenge, questioning the validity of the police search and arrest procedures. Following comprehensive negotiations with the Crown, a Stay of Proceedings was directed on all charges.

    All charges dropped, Stay of Proceedings issued.

  • X. v. Canada (2023)

    Client fleeing political persecution for leading a mass protest campaign against the governing military dictatorship of her home country. Client sought political asylum in Canada

    Client is successful in her asylum claim. Asylum Granted.

  • R. v. J.L. (2022)

    Client facing a serious allegation of aggravated assault. Client at risk of a long-term jail sentence if convicted. Matter proceeded to trial before a judge and jury at the Supreme Court of British Columbia. During a lengthy trial, the jury heard arguments on self-defence.

    Acquittal: Jury Finds Client Not Guilty of Aggravated Assault. No Criminal Record.

  • B.C. Securities Commission v. J. V. (2021)

    Client accused of participating in a multi-million dollar fraud scheme involving international market manipulation. Through extensive negotiations with the Director of the BC Securities Commission, client walked away with a minimal fine and no criminal law

    No Criminal Record.


  • A huge thank you to Mo Vayeghan who worked as my lawyer on multiple cases. Mo Vayeghan goes above and beyond for his clients, working overtime to provide the best possible outcomes. Mo is incredibly knowledgeable about the legal justice system and provides the upmost professional advice and support, paying close attention to every detail of the case. I would like to personally thank Mo for his hard work and dedication, as he successfully got all of my charges dropped before a trial started. I wish you the best and thank you for your time! I would highly suggest Mo Vayeghan to anybody looking for a great defence lawyer.


  • Yalda Kazemi is one of the best and most reliable in Canada. I am very happy that I can speak my mind here. Mrs. Kazemi is so patient, persistent, compassionate and honest that she was like a support for me and she defended me and gave me a new life. You are unique, Ms. Kazemi, in the true sense of a human being in every sense


  • I wanted to say a few things about MO ???? screaming his name & shouting to all he is hands down the most professional & efficient lawyer. I would without a doubt recommend Mo Vayeghan . I appreciate him and the work he has done not only is he caring he also gets the job done. He took the time to listen He brought hope to our family & I will always be grateful THANKS Melissa & Hasler


  • Unfortunately I was in need of legal assistance in a serious Criminal offence which could put my entire life in jeopardy. I was referred to multiple lawyers till I met Moe, he’s knowledgeable and knows the procedures, patience is key as any sort of legal matter will take time to be taken care of in the most easiest and cleanest way, and Moe is the right man for this job. Thanks Moe I owe you big time!


  • I would like to thank Mrs. Yalda Kazem Shirazi. These words are not enough to describe my happiness and gratitude with Yalda. She is a very smart and calm lawyer, firm, expert, reliable, knowledgeable. One of the best lawyers I have seen. She handled my case with ease and the process went very smoothly. I really appreciate her and am glad to have worked with her on my case. I highly recommend Ms. Yalda Kazem Shirazi as your lawyer.

    N. D.

  • I wanted to thank Mr. Vayeghan, he is one of the best and most professional in their work, I have worked with many lawyers, but I can boldly say that by far they are one of the most responsible lawyers I have ever seen, kind, responsible, with Ethics, accessibility, professionalism, hard work and right workI am very happy with my choice and I offer everyone the experience of working with them. In fact, accompanying them on the way to work is like having an encouraging close family.


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