Battling drug-related charges in Canada is an intimidating experience that leaves the accused feeling overwhelmed and isolated as they face the prospect of conviction and the life-altering repercussions that follow. The Canadian Criminal Justice System takes a hardline approach to drug offences like possession, trafficking, and production, enforcing strict penalties that often lead to jail time, employment challenges, restricted travel, and the heavy stigma of a criminal record that lingers long after any sentence is served.

With so much at stake, knowing how to defend yourself and what legal options are available is essential to securing the best possible outcome. At Vaygehan Litigation, we understand the unique complexities associated with drug-related charges and are proud to represent clients in Vancouver against allegations of criminal misconduct.

Below, we will examine some of the most important considerations to be aware of when facing drug charges, including the benefits of partnering with an experienced team like Vayeghan Litigation and how a skilled defence attorney will fight for your rights. Read on to learn more. 

Understanding Canadian Drug Laws

In Canada, the majority of drug-related offences are governed by the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). The CDSA covers a wide range of offences, including possession, trafficking, production, and distribution of controlled substances and classifies substances into different “schedules” corresponding to the danger and risk level associated when used for illicit purposes. Schedules I to V list controlled substances such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine, while Schedule VI lists chemical precursors, which can be used to produce controlled substances. Schedules with higher risk carry the harshest penalties under the Criminal Code; however, even lesser drugs like Cannabis can still result in significant consequences depending on the unique circumstances of your case. 

The Role of a Criminal Lawyer in Drug-Related Cases

Navigating criminal charges related to drug allegations is complex and requires exceptional knowledge and experience. At Vayeghan Litigation, we understand just how critical it is to have the right representation on your side to secure the best possible outcome. A criminal lawyer offers the following benefits to accused parties facing drug charges in British Columbia:

Thorough Knowledge of Canadian Drug Laws

Experienced criminal lawyers like Mo Vaygehan of Vayeghan Litigation have an in-depth knowledge of the CDSA and related legal precedents that may be relevant to your case. Skilled attorneys know how to interpret current legislation and proceedings of your case to determine if the charges brought against you meet necessary legal thresholds and if all involved parties have conducted themselves in a lawful manner. Your lawyer will critically assess all charges levelled against you, evaluate whether the evidence was obtained lawfully (and is therefore admissible in court), challenge the reliability of witness testimony, analyze police and forensic reports, and determine what course of action is viable for building your defence. 

Building a Defense Strategy

Every drug case is unique; a tailored defence strategy is essential to achieving the best possible outcome. Your defence lawyer will consider the information discussed above to determine which approach is most likely to succeed and what avenues best protect your rights. For example, your lawyer may utilize the following arguments to defend against criminal allegations on your behalf: 

Challenging the legitimacy of Search and Seizure: If the police conducted an unlawful search, the evidence obtained may be excluded from the trial, weakening the prosecution’s case in your favour.

Lack of Knowledge of Possession: To convict an accused party, the prosecution must prove that an individual knew they had control over any substance on their person or in their possession. 

Entrapment: If the police induced someone to commit a crime that would not have been committed otherwise.

The Substance Was Prescribed: For offences involving substances that are prescribable for medical treatments, your lawyer may argue that your prescription justifies possession of the substance in question. 

In addition to deciphering which defence avenues are in your best interest, your lawyer will explore options for plea deals, which are often an effective way to avoid lengthy (and costly) trials for the defendant. Once your lawyer has assessed the strength of the prosecution’s case, they will liaise with the Crown to secure the most favourable outcome possible. This may include reduced charges, shorter sentencing, or even measures that allow you to avoid jail time or a criminal record at all. A skilled criminal lawyer knows how to swiftly navigate all angles of a case and pivot as needed to keep as many constructive options open as possible for their clients. 

Representation in Court

Finally, should your case proceed to trial, it is essential to have an experienced lawyer on your side to bolster your defence. Drug trials are highly technical and often involve subtle nuances that can make or break your defence without the correct guidance. Your attorney will know how to present the most compelling case in your defence, challenge the prosecution’s evidence, and advocate for your rights. Effective courtroom representation can significantly impact the outcome of your case, and thus, it is essential to have a lawyer who is just as competent in the courtroom as they are at achieving out-of-court results

Vayeghan Litgation: Your Best Defence Against Drug Charges in Vancouver

One of, if not the most important, deciding factors in the outcomes of a criminal case is choosing the right legal representation. Charges related to drug allegations require dedication and experience that allow for tangible results for the accused. As a former Crown Prosecutor with extensive experience at every level of the British Columbia judicial system, as well as an Ivy League education from Columbia Law School, Mo Vayeghan offers an exceptional understanding of both sides of the criminal justice system and valuable insights into the Crown’s mindset that often allows his clients to receive the best possible result in criminal cases. 

Mr. Vayeghan takes a proactive and assertive stance toward addressing criminal charges, focusing on building a precise foundation for a defence that stands up to Crown negotiations and protects your rights during criminal trials. As an experienced litigator, Mr. Vayeghan knows how to navigate the complexities of cross-examination and prepare his clients to face the legal system with confidence and peace of mind. 


If you’re facing an investigation or charges related to drug offences in Vancouver,  don’t leave the outcome of your case to chance. 

CONTACT US NOW at 778-653-3995 or email us at to receive a free initial consultation today.

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